For example, what if you were creating a brand new language that you wanted to be type-safe with all the intricacies of Haskell's type-system, but you wanted to take advantage of libraries written in Ruby. And you created a compiler that first compiled your program to Haskell, ran it through ghc's type-checker, and then, if it passed, compiled your program to Ruby. You'd get the benefit of Haskell's type-checker and Ruby's libraries.
What if a language wasn't statically typed or dynamically typed? but instead had a knob that could be tuned in one direction or the other depending on the situation.
For example, what if you wanted the benefits of static type-checking, but if you could just access the symbol table or use
in one or two places in your code, it would be infinitely simpler at the cost of a possible runtime error. And no, this is not the same as implementing everything yourself with some sort of variant type, as all Turing-complete languages could. I'm thinking something more like Haskell's IO monad that allows you to execute impure code in an otherwise pure setting. In the same way that the IO monad infects everything it touches, so too would the dynamically-typed-code "monad". But that's just one way of doing it. Another way would be to specifically declare something to be a variant type whose properly typed value was implicitly projected out.What if you could visualize the dependency graph of language objects like functions, modules, etc.?
For example, I've noticed that projects whose sub-projects have dependencies in a stack (i.e. more like a linear chain) are much easier to grok than those whose dependencies form an intricate cyclic graph. Would seeing these dependency graphs help in spotting possible complexity hot-spots, and thus, possible bug hot-spots? Or would visualizing the dependencies alone help us to better understand them. I'd expect my compiler to generate these automatically, of course, because it's already doing the dependency analysis anyway.
What if you could inline and un-inline function calls at will as you were editing the code?
For example, some people are good at thinking very abstractly and like to factor out commonalities as much as possible to reduce code. After a point though, diminishing returns are seen as code becomes unintuitive or "unreadable", deferring the simplest two-time-use definitions to a separate file for example. Where that point is is different for different people however. So what if a sufficient code-editor — i.e. a viewer for data that happens to be code — in addition to skins allowed different users to adjust how many levels functions got inlined. Said another way, what if your editor allowed you to macroexpand and un-macroexpand the code you were editing (inline, not in an output buffer somewhere) at the push of a button, arbitrary levels deep.
...Let us all keep asking questions. About programming and everything else.
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