The list he gave was as follows.
- Phrase Hygiene
- Representation
- Induction
- Modularity
- Exemplification
- Refinement
- Abstraction
- Bracketing
As Rudich pointed out, in any field — martial arts, violin, tennis, magic, programming — the novice makes a huge motion, the black belt makes a small motion, and the master makes a tiny motion. The more complete the pattern you see, the less work is required to accomplish a task.
Recently, I've found a new method. What made me see this was an "interview question" I heard way back when I was in Rudich's class. It goes something like this... You have to cross a gorge that's 50 feet wide and 50 feet deep. All you have is two 20-foot ladders and all the rope you need. How do you do it?
And no, you can't go around it. What now? (You might want to actually think about this before reading on.)
Select text here for the spoiler... The answer is — since you have all the rope you need — that you fill the gorge with rope, and walk across.
Now, the answer to these riddles is often obvious in hindsight. But what can we learn from it? Why couldn't we see the answer before? It wasn't until recently that I realized that if you abstract away the details of this solution, what you had to do was substitute an abundance of one resource for the lack of another resource. And this I've discovered is another method to the "aha!": Universal Substitution.
What I mean is that any resource can be substituted for any other resource. And this is simply amazing!
...As I mentioned in my last post, analogy seems to be a pattern of all of these. The Representation method above seems to hint at that. But how do you know which representation to choose? You have to already have made a connection — an analogy — with another problem.
Jeff Hawkins seems to think that all problems are solved through either memory or analogy. In other words, you either remember the solution to the problem if you've seen it before. Or you relate the problem to another problem and remember the solution to that, and then apply that solution to the specific situation at hand which is something your mind does all the time.2
If this is true (which seems to make sense), then analogy is a problem-solving method. But not only that, it is a method to finding problem-solving methods! It is a method of solving any problem, even meta-problems and meta-meta-problems.3
So this leads us to our next question. How do you become good at creating analogies?
Analogies are connections between two different things. They are the result of abstracting something away from two things that are different and being left with things that are the same. Analogies are patterns.
One thing I've noticed that increases the likelihood of seeing patterns is trying different things — all sorts of things. Oftentimes you suddenly realize that things you've become so used to don't have to be the way they are. That it is not necessarily the right way or the wrong way. But also, when it's different enough, you can't help but see what isn't different. In other words, what remains constant — which is a pattern.
You never know where a pattern might show up, or what lines it might cross.4 Plus, oftentimes the analogies within a field have already been exhausted by others, while cross-discipline analogies lay un-reaped.
Also, there is the trap of becoming too close to something. After working on a problem arduously for a while, it is often helpful to first take a break, and then step back and look at the problem to get a bigger perspective. In other words, disentangle yourself from the details and take a look a the whole picture at once, just as if you were putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
All this really is, is another example of the law of Balance.
I've actually attempted to devise an algorithm for finding patterns before. The thing is, there are a seemingly infinite number of ways to categorize things. So if you try to categorize things and then look for something re-occurring, you'll never know if you're simply using the wrong categorization. That's why it's hard to learn something new in general. According to Jeff Hawkins, you have to see a pattern before you can learn anything. The people who tend to be seen as smart are the ones who pick up new things quickly, and they can do this because they see the patterns quicker than others. But it is a completely unconscious activity to them.
This begs the question though, is there another way of finding patterns? Can we find patterns without first categorizing things?
It's like if you have a hash function that abstracts away from things you're looking at, and you keep hashing different things hoping to find a collision. Once you do, you've found a pattern. For example, if your hash function took physical objects as input and gave a color as output, you could hash all the things on your desk and if any items resulted in the same color, you would have found a commonality between those two things, which is a simple yet significant pattern.
But what if you're looking for another pattern? Which hash function should you use? Is there another way besides this hashing method?
See also: Side-Stepping Obstacles in Space and Time
1. Try these out on this logic puzzle; they really work. The method can take you from being completely stuck to a point where you can work through the problem.
2. What Jeff Hawkins describes is abstraction and application. Sounds like functional programming to me. Lambda abstraction and function application. Is there anything more fundamental?
3. This really makes you wonder about things like Numenta, Jeff Hawkins' implementation of the brain which he calls hierarchical temporal memory. What problems will be solved once the size of a brain becomes limited by the amount of money someone is willing to throw at it, instead of by the human skull?
4. I'm not at all interested in sports, but recently I went to a baseball game with my brother, and I realized that anything — once you start optimizing, it becomes something so deep that you could spend an entire lifetime mastering it. Baseball. Cooking. Driving. Conversing. ...What then, is truly worth mastering?